Telephone: +44 (0)20 8538 0198
Placing each student at the heart of all that we do, London Business and Management School (LBMS) is fully committed to providing the highest quality of service possible to help meet local and national needs and fulfil the expectations of LBMS’s community. LBMS provides a Higher Education (HE) and Further Education (FE) environment that is founded on equality of opportunity, freedom from discrimination, and freedom from bullying and harassment.
LBMS helps learners from underrepresented groups, disadvantaged groups and students from poor backgrounds to enter into the UK higher and further education system,in particular reducing the participation gaps for those from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. LBMS revise strategies to increase higher and further education participation by mature students from under -represented groups.
LBMS values the diversity of its student body and is fully committed to widening access to HE and FE for all potential students, while minimising or removing the barriers that can exclude many from the world of HEand FE.
LBMS therefore supports the strategic priority of the UK government to ‘improve life chances and opportunity for all and enhance the competitiveness and productivity of the economy’. Provision is principally vocational, accessible and employment focussed, and provides opportunities in HE and FE for those who may otherwise not have access to HE and FE, many of whom are returning to education.
LBMS provided access to students from a variety of backgrounds. LBMS is dedicated to providing the means through which non-traditional learners can experience and succeed in HE and FE arena.
LBMS sets transparent entry criteria for access to HE and FE programmes, welcoming applications irrespective of background and valuing the previous work-related experience that learners may bring.
LBMS ensure that every student enrolled has a reasonable expectation of success on their programme. Applicants aged over 21 years at the start of their course and who have been out of education for at least three years are classed as ‘mature students’. The prior qualifications and/ or experience of such applicants is reviewed by LBMS to consider if their individual profile shows they have the potential to achieve the qualification. If it does and all other requirements of the enrolment process are met, such applicants may be enrolled.
LBMS is committed to providing impartial advice and guidance to ensure applicants and learners are placed and supported on an appropriate programme from application through to course completion and their future destinations. This is outlined in the LBMS’s Student Recruitment and Admissions policy.
LBMS uses a range of strategies to stimulate access and participation in HE and FE:
LBMS publishes programme information about content, costs, awards and the complaints-handling process to help learners make the right choice and informs them of any changes made since application. This supports continuation, success and a good learner experience.
LBMS has flexible entry points, which are in January, April and September, allowing students to choose a suitable time to start studying.
LBMS has an Induction programme for all new learners. The aim is to make a successful transition into School life and study after possibly a long gap in study.
High quality teaching, assessment and feedback generates an inclusive learning environment and encourages the best performance possible from learners unfamiliar with the expectations of higher and further education. The monitoring of progress and learning support provided underpin learner retention, help learners to overcome barriers, and provides insight into the issues our learners experience.
All measures are employed to mitigate any chance of a poor learner experience leading to withdrawal from the course. LBMS takes a case-by-case approach to retention owing to the complex circumstances and needs of our learners.
The practice of LBMS is to continue supporting learners experiencing difficulty providing they engage with us. This applies to learners without funding as if a learner shows the necessary commitment, we will do what we can to help them.
Support for all learners is extensive both and includes personal and welfare support, academic and study skills support and support for those learners with additional learning needs.
It can be seen as follows, for example:
Telephone: +44 (0)20 8538 0198
London Business and Management School
Vista Business Centre,
50 Salisbury Road, Hounslow,
Middlesex TW4 6JQ
London, UK
Do you have a question? If you would like to contact us, you can email us.